Bee nails

Showing my support for Team Bee Awesome at the End of Year Celebration 2016 at the University of Bradford I created this very positive and summery bee themed manicure.
Showing my support for Team Bee Awesome at the End of Year Celebration 2016 at the University of Bradford I created this very positive and summery bee themed manicure.
There are a lot of examples on the Internet of the classic white tip French manicure with a line of black underneath. However I’ve never seen the reversed version of this manicure. This is why I decided to fill in this gap by creating the black tip French manicure with a small white line underneath.
This time I was in the mood to do stamping. I have to admit that you should be patient enough to master stamping technique. Even I consider myself as a beginner in this subject.
I picked the flower pattern from m73 stamping plate by Konad. This image is too small to cover the whole surface of my nails, that’s why I came up with the idea to paint my tips pink. I used W7 — 78 Fuchsia to create square french manicure with the straight tip line. However, I had to apply three coats to cover up the translucent black flower pattern.
Normally you won’t see me with short nails. Because I broke one, I had to cut them all. So I’m using the opportunity to do nail designs, that I wouldn’t try on long nails. Namely, I’m talking about stamping on the entire surface of the nail. Usually, either the design on the image plate is too small, or the stamper isn’t big enough to cover my nails. That’s why, one of the good things about having short nails is that you can do stamping as much as you want. (more…)
I made this mani because I wanted to try out my new nail polishes: Color Club — Twiggie, Color Club — Wild Cactus and W7 — Earthquake Black. Since my gradient from pale to emerald green came out not very good, I had to cover it with black crackle nail polish by W7. Crackles came out even and fine, that I liked a lot.
Happy birthday to me, I just turned 21! Thus I had a very pretty black and gold dress for my birthday party. Of course, I couldn’t leave my nails without the suitable manicure. That’s why I came up with the reverse half-moon, also known as the Ruffian manicure. (more…)
30 Seconds to Mars has always been one of my favourite rock bands. Today’s design is a tribute to their new single “Up in the Air“. (more…)
Despite the fact that shades of orange, brown and yellow are my least favourite colours, today I was in the mood to create something fiery, flamy. Thus, I came up with the gradient, from the darkest shade of brown (almost black) to the lightest orange. (more…)